• Materials List

    9x12 spiral bound sketchbook

    black ink pen

    wooden no. 2 pencil

    sharpener with cover

    chunky eraser

    Lesson Flow
    -Introduce a new Element of Art and Principle of Design. Learn Vocabulary.

    -Instructor modeling and demonstrating E&P. Student Practice technique in sketchbook.

    -Brainstorm and create thumbnails for Project. Start Rough Draft in Sketchbook.-Rough Draft approved by Teacher. Peer Critiques.-Start final Draft. Mid-project assessment with peer.

    -Photograph final draft and upload to Schoology.

    -Frame, label and display artwork. Gallery walk and whole class critique.

    Classroom Procedures Enter and Exit ART Studio

    Enter studio calmly and quietly. View the board for instructions and materials.

     Complete warm-up.

    A chime will ring a few minutes before the school bell rings.

    Clean your area and return to your assigned seat.

    Art closets are off limits. Do NOT enter or exit through them.

    The instructor dismisses the class, NOT the school bell.

    Hall pass

    During the first and last ten minutes of class students remain in classroom.

     One hall pass allowance each three weeks.

    Student must sign in and out with time and date.

    Five minute time frame for hall pass for restroom breaks.


    If you arrive tardy to class, knock ONE time on the door and quietly wait for the teacher to open the door.

    Three tardies will result in a major discipline referral in Skyward

    Turning in Assignments

     Each student will take ownership of completing and turning in assignments.

    Amply Studio Time will be allowed to complete assignments.

    Projects will be photographed and uploaded to Schoology in a media album.

     All sketchbooks and projects will remain in the Art Studio unless given permission by the instructor.

     On the top left back of project write your first, last name, Art #, and Period # A rubric for self-assessment will be attached to Projects along with brainstorming and thumbnail sketches.

     Major projects will be turned in physically on due date regardless of absences.

    Projects will be graded promptly and returned to students if they wish to work on the project due to an absence.

     Electronics Personal devices will be Powered OFF and stored in cell phone storage upon entering the art studio.

     District issued laptops will be used for all art assignments.Classroom Rules Respect each other and each other’s artwork.

     Respect the instructor.

    Respect the classroom and supplies.

     No food in the art studio. Bottled water is allowed.

    Discipline 1st Minor Offense - Student will receive a verbal warning.

    2nd Minor Offense - Student will be written up in PBIS referral system.

    3rd Minor Offense – Student will be written up in PBIS referral system. Parents are contacted by teacher.

    4th Minor Offense – Student will be written up in PBIS referral system. All minor offenses will be combined into a major offense and documented in Skyward. Parents will be contacted by administration.

    Major Offense- Student will be written up in Skyward. Parents are contacted by teacher and administration.