Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 327-0027


Degrees and Certifications:

BBA Accounting, University of Houston Math 4-8 Teaching Certification M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction University of Houston

Ms. Angel Hicks



My name is Angel Hicks, and I am currently a 7th grade math teacher and Math Department Head for the year 2024-2025.  I graduated from the University of Houston with a BBA in Accounting, and an M. Ed in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Learning, Technology, and Design.

As a passionate math teacher with over a decade of experience, I’m committed to creating a classroom where students can think critically and express themselves. For me, teaching is more than just delivering concepts—it’s about fostering problem-solving skills and encouraging personal growth. I strive to make math engaging and relevant, helping students develop confidence and skills that will serve them for life. When I’m not teaching, I’m actively involved in the community and always seeking new ways to inspire my students. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Math 7 AAC
    Period 2: Math 7
    Period 3: Math 7
    Period 4: Math 7 AAM
    Period 5: PLC (Planning Period)
    Period 6: Conference
    Period 7: Math 7