Jasmine Rivera, Nurse

Phone: Clinic: 281-634-4366 Fax:281-327-4366


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jasmine Rivera

Cristal Haggerton, Nurse's and Counselor's Aide

Phone: 281-327-4370


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cristal Haggerton

My name is Cristal Haggerton. I have been married for 34 years with three grown children and one granddaughter. My family and I have lived in Sugar Land for twenty years. I have a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from California State University, Fresno. This is my 17th year at Settlers Way. For the first 13 years, I was a para-educator for Special Education. This is my 4th year as the Nurse/CCC/Counselor assistant. I absolutely love my job and it has been the highlight of my career. SWE is one big, happy family and I would not want to work anywhere else.

Clinic Information

  • FBISD School Health Services program is dedicated to creating a culture of wellness that supports student success.

    A Registered Nurse is assigned to each elementary and middle school campus, while a Registered Nurse and Licensed Vocational Nurse are assigned to each high school campus.The school nurse assists students' physical, mental and social growth by providing a health services program that assesses, evaluates and improves the health of students and staff.

    Please contact Ms. Rivera regarding your student's health issues and concerns, hospitalizations and/or treatment changes.

    As we continue to navigate through the Coronavirus pandemic, we want to make sure our children and staff stay safe. If your child isn’t feeling well or gets sent home from school for not feeling well, below is a guide that explains when your child can return to school.

    • Email AttendanceSWE@fortbendisd.gov that students will be absent and send any doctor’s note as well.


  • Exploring Health with Nurse Rivera

    It is National Immunization Awareness Month! Let’s help our children’s immune system fight off germs by keeping them up to date with their vaccines! The CDC says, “Thanks to vaccines, there are 14 diseases you almost forgot about!”

    It it difficult for you to keep track of your vaccine records? Sign up for ImmTrac2! ImmTrac2 is the Texas Immunization Registry. It is a no-cost service that helps consolidate and store vaccine records in Texas. If you get vaccines in Texas from places like your doctor’s office, a local pharmacy, a local health clinic – then, it’s all recorded in ImmTrac2.

    All students will need an updated vaccine record on file at Settlers Way Elementary. Click here to see the minimum vaccine requirements to attend school in Texas.

    Required criteria for a valid submission of vaccine records: (All information must be clearly displayed.)

    1. Clinic’s/Doctor’s signature or stamp on the record

    2. Must be in English. If needing record translated to English, please check with your child’s doctor to translate their record.

    3. Student’s Name on the vaccine record matches the name used for school enrollment.

    4. Student’s Date of Birth

    5. Clinic’s info: clinic’s/doctor’s name, address, phone number

    6. All the vaccine names with dates of administration clearly displayed.

    Please send updated immunization records to your school nurse: jasmine.rivera@fortbendisd.com

    You may also drop off your child’s immunization record at the front office.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    -Nurse Rivera

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