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Second Grade Information
Welcome to the Second Grade Team! We will collaborate to help increase all students' self-confidence and learning abilities. Through presenting materials in diverse and creative ways, we believe that all students will become leaders within their own community and the WBE community.
This year, second graders will be exposed to a vast number of concepts in reading. Such concepts include talking about the author’s word choice, illustrations and how the evidence from books allows them to infer about the book and beyond the book. Students will analyze text across many genres.
In writing, students use the writing process to organize and express their thoughts when writing; the student’s writing should reflect that they have created a plan and make choices of what to include and delete based on the writing process. Students will prewrite, draft, revise, edit and publish their writing just the way authors do! There is an emphasis on writing in complete sentences, and using correct capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphs in their own writing.
In Math, second grade students will be able to decompose numbers in a variety of ways using number bonds and breaking a number apart. With whole numbers, students will show numbers in different ways, compare, read & write, and use models to demonstrate them. Students will add and subtract two two-digit numbers with and without regrouping, estimate sums and create fact families. Problem Solving is a pivotal area of interest for second grade as well as learning key math vocabulary terms.
Science is an increasing area of interest due to the hands-on approach that we believe in at WBE. Students will learn about using evidence and reasoning in all the science units to become great scientists.
In Social Studies, students will identify themselves as good citizens in their school and home environment. The students will learn about the functions of the government, types of communities, holidays, cultures, and technology. Students are expected to use their knowledge to impact their community at school and at home in a meaningful way.