Phone: 281-329-5074


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Music in Music Education from Stephen F Austin State University Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Southeastern Oklahoma State University (Pending)

Mr. Ponder

Welcome to Choir! 

 My name is Mr. Ponder, I am delighted to have the opportunity to be your choir director for this year!   A little about me, this is my 5th year teaching, but my first year teaching middle school choir by myself!  I love singing, reading, cooking, traveling and socializing with friends and family.   Born and raised in Houston, TX then, I left for Nacogdoches, TX for college(SFA) and my first teaching job at Nacogdoches High School where I taught Choir and AP Music Theory.  McAuliffe middle school is such a wonderful place to learn and I know it's going to be a great year in Choir!



Bachelors of  Music  in Music Education from Stephen F Austin State University

Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Southeastern Oklahoma State University (Pending)

EC-12 Music Certification TX


    Class Schedule


    Tuesday- Friday

    1 st Period: 8:50-9:50 am

    1st  Period: :8:50-9:43am

    2 nd Period: 9:56-10:53

     2nd  Period: 9:46-10:43am

     3 rd Period: 10:53-11:45am(Conference)

     3rd  Period: 11:23-12:08pm(Conference)

     4 th Period: 12:35-1:25pm

     4th  Period: 12:20-1:40pm

    5 th Period: 1:31-2:23pm

     5th  Period: 1:43-2:28pm

     6 th Period: 2:23-3:13pm

    6th  Period: 2:31-3:16pm

    7 th Period: 3:19-4:10pm

     7th  Period: 3:19-4:10pm

    8 th Period: N/A

     8th  Period: 10:46-11:21am(After 2nd Period)

    Lunchtime : 12:00-12:30pm

     Lunchtime: 12:20-12:50pm

  • Tutorials by appointment