Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Brian Sanders
Welcome to 6th grade! I am Mr. Brian Sanders, your 6th grade teacher. I am very happy to be teaching 6th Grade Social Studies! I received a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from Prairie View A&M University. I have been in the field of education since 2000 with teaching, coaching experience, and have been a Behavior Specialist in Texas and in Kuwait. I have taught at both the primary and secondary grade levels.
My goal is to provide all students with a well-rounded education to advance them academically and socially. Building healthy relationships where students feel comfortable in school makes for the optimal learning environment. We will take time in the beginning of the year to establish classroom norms and routines to help the students feel at ease. We will also implement CHAMPS, A Positive Approach to Classroom Management. Each student will participate in small-group work with learning materials to meet their individual academic needs.
Not only will I be teaching academics, I will also be meeting the needs of the “whole child” by including daily lessons/ “talks” on character traits and implementation of those traits at school and at home. Finally, my goal is to get your child to become an independent thinker and doer. I believe that the home and school connection is very important, and we need to communicate regularly to make our partnership work! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns; my door is always open. Thank-you!
Kind Regards,
Mr. Brian L. Sanders Brian.Sanders@fortbendisd.gov
(281)634-9200 ext:3629