• Missed School? What to do when your student is absent with email and hand holding pen icon

Missed School?

  • Within 5 school days after the absence:

    • Email an absence note to the school's attendance clerk
    • Turn in the absence note once the student returns to school

    Absence notes must be received by the Attendance Office within 5 days of returning to school, or it will result in an unexcused absence. Parents can attach supporting documents, such as doctor's notes, to absence note emails.


Elementary School Attendance Counts!

  • Daily attendance in school is a strong indicator of future success.

    Per the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook provided by Texas Education Agency, a student is considered either present or absent at the official attendance-taking time, known as snapshot.

    Each campus attendance is determined by the number of students present at this important designated snapshot time. The elementary school snapshot time is 10:00 a.m.

    To ensure academic engagement and successful learning, all students should be present daily by snapshot and remain academically engaged all day. 



        The district attendance policies and procedures can be found in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook.


        • Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:10 a.m. If the student arrives after 10:00 a.m. (official attendance time), the student will be marked absent.

        Leaving School Early

        • Parents and students must adhere to the following procedures: 
          • Please send an email to the Attendance Office prior to 2:00 p.m. so we can your child ready for pick up.
          • For your student's safety, parents/guardians picking up the student MUST be on that student's emergency contact list and have a valid picture ID.

        Daily Attendance

        Attendance is taken on a daily basis. Any student not present by 10:00 am is recorded as absent. When students are absent, parents must send a note to the school within five school days of the students return to school. The note must include the date(s) and reason for absence. Failure to send the note within five school days will result in the absence(s) being recorded as unexcused.


        Registration is started on-line first and then the family is prompted to make an appointment with our ADA (Hannah Heyl) to complete registration on campus. The link for registration can be found in the quick link section on this site.  


        At 8:10 am, children are to be in their classrooms. After this time, they are considered tardy. If a student is tardy the parent must escort the student into the building and sign them in.