Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-9450


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Business Administration

Ms. Michelle Dodds

Teacher Schedule


    Daily Schedule

    Math/Science Block AM

    8:10-8:15  Homeroom

    8:15-9:00  Science

    9:00-9:45  Math

    9:45-10:30 Enrichment

    10:30-10:45  Math

    10:45-11:30  Outclass

    11:30-12:05  Math

    Math/Science Block PM

    12:05-12:20  Math

    12:20-12:50  Recess

    12:50-1:20 Lunch

    1:20-2:40   Math

    2:40-3:15  Science

    3:15 Prepare for dismissal


    Conference Time 10:55-11:20 am

PLC schedule