PTA Officers and Committee Chairs
President: Michelle Le
Vice President Membership: Sarah McClellan
Vice President Fundraising: Dolores Maldonado
Secretary: Sophia Johnykutty
Treasurer: Calene Webster
Parliamentarian: Christine Lee
Committee Chairs:
Communications: Rachael Gleason
Family Engagement: Brenda Hill
Hospitality: Jessica Harris
Programs: Ann Velasco
Reflections: Grace Chen
Spirit Nights: Mariyah Dhedhi
Spirit Wear: Stasha Tate
Yearbook: Maria Elena
VIPS: Annie Chen
Please email Michelle at if you are interested in being part of the SWE PTA.
Texas PTA Mission: To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
The purposes of Settlers Way Elementary PTA, in common with the National PTA and Texas PTA:
- to promote the welfare of children and young people in home, school, places of worship, and throughout the community;
- to raise the standards of home life;
- to advocate for laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and young people;
- to promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
- to engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of all children and young people; and
- to advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding.
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Meeting Dates
PTA Membership
PTA Membership $10 -
Please support the Settlers Way Elementary PTA by joining our PTA membership. The cost is $10.00 per person, which goes towards programs for the students. Help us, help our kids…
If you have already joined, we really appreciate your support.
During these unprecedented times, your membership dollars will help the PTA fund remote learning that includes software, technology, science instruction supplies and educational materials. Please join the PTA using the link: . PTA membership is only $10/person for the entire school year.
Our goal this year is to have 100% membership in every classroom. Your membership will give us a BIGGER voice in our school and community! Keep in mind that anyone can join the PTA; parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, close friends, high school brothers and sisters, neighbors, church members, etc. Anyone that has an interest in making your child’s potential a reality can join the PTA and make it possible.
By joining the SWE PTA you are NOT obligated to volunteer your time, it is. However, welcomed and very much appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the membership team Also, join our Facebook group, SWE Explorers PTA, for all the school and PTA news and updates.