Phone: (281) 634-6828
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education P-5
Mrs. Julia Cox
Welcome to Fourth Grade! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and working together to help your child succeed! As parents and guardians, I understand that you are the most important teachers in your child’s life and it is with that understanding that I appreciate the role that you and I each play in the partnership to your child achieving the goals set forth for him or her. I would like to share a few things about myself so you have a better understanding of who I am as your child’s teacher. I earned my BA in Elementary Education from Morehead State University. I have been teaching in FBISD for nine years. This will be my 3rd year working at Palmer Elementary. I have fourteen years of teaching experience with 10 of those year working in FBISD, 1 year subbing in schools, and three in Kentucky Schools. I look forward to helping your child achieve academic goals here at Palmer Elementary School.
I will be teaching your child Math and Science. I enjoy all of the subjects that I teach but it is especially my goal to instill a lifelong passion of Science and Math goal setting in all of my students. I have very high expectations of myself as a teacher as well as of my students and I have always found that to be a formula for success! I want this to be an enjoyable year for all of my students but also a productive, challenging and encouraging year.
Once again, welcome to Fourth Grade! I know that, together, we can make this a wonderful school year.
Mrs. Cox
Contact Number 281-634-6828