Palmer is NO Place for Hate

  • Palmer is proud to be an Anti-Defamation League No Place for Hate® school.

    We are committed in making out campus a safe school with a culture that values all students and staff. We encourage you to visit this page often to see the amazing things that we are doing to:

    • Build an inclusive and safe community in which respect is the goal, and all students can thrive.
    • Empower students, faculty, administration and family members to take a stand against hate and bullying by incorporating new and existing programs under one powerful message.
    • Engage out school and community through the implementation of at least three campus-wide anti-bias activities per year, which ADL helps to develop.
    • Send a clear, unified message that all students have a place to belong.

    In August, Palmer created our “No Place for Hate®”  coalition team which is made up of students, staff and community members.  Together we will help facilitate 3 campus-wide anti-bias and diversity related activities throughout this school year.  In September we took our first step toward becoming a No Place for Hate® campus by having students and staff sign the Resolution of Respect. 

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  • In September we hosted our first NO Place for Hate activity which we titled “All Pieces Fit”. We had all of our students and staff members draw a self-portrait.  Each grade level used the same monochromatic color to create their portrait to signify how we are all similar.

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  • October is Bully Awareness month.  Every Wednesday we will wear Blue to support our vision of our school we are a Bully Free Campus.   The final week of the Month we will “Hug Our School”  as we surround our school and state the No Place for Hate Pledge.

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  • February we will have a week of various activities for Multicultural Awareness Week.  We will appreciate various cultures where our students will learn to appreciate their similarities.  There will be a mix-it up luncheon where students will have time to celebrate one another’s similarities and differences.  We will have an assembly and students choir programs during that week.

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