Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-4200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies Self-Contained 1st - 8th grade Art EC-12 ESL EC-12

Mrs. Georgia Daniel

Welcome LVE artists!  This will be my 23rd year of teaching in Fort Bend ISD.  I taught at Barrington Place Elementary for 21 years, and I am excited to continue my journey at Lakeview.  I grew up in Galveston and Fort Bend.  I went to First Colony MS and graduated from Clements High School.  I attended the University of Houston and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I have had four private art shows and nine collaborative shows. For the past 15 years, I have actively judged the Clements Art Retrospective and the Ridge Point Art Perspective.  I wrote the FBISD Elementary Visual Arts Curriculum, and  have been a TAPP Mentor to other art teachers in the district. In addition to teaching art, I am the Art Club Sponsor for LVE and Campus Website Administrator for LVE. I am thrilled to be teaching ART again this year, and I am looking forward to creating wonderful masterpieces with your children.

Teacher Schedule

  • 5th Grade 8:15-9:00 a.m.

    4th Grade 9:00-9:45 a.m.

    3rd Grade 9:50-10:35 a.m.

    2nd Grade 10:35-11:20 a.m.

    PreK and Kinder 12:45-1:30 p.m.

    1st Grade 1:30-2:15 p.m.

    Grade Level PC coverage 2:30-3:25 p.m.

Teacher Conference Time

  • Conference/Lunch: 11:30-12:45 PM