Gifted and Talented at Austin Parkway Elementary
Welcome and Introduction
Identified students in grades K-5 are cluster grouped with GT-trained teachers in the core subject areas of English language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics. Program services for identified Kindergarten students begin March 1 as mandated by the state.
Please visit the District GT web page for information on evaluation for GT services.
School Gifted and Talented Events
District-Wide GT Announcements
School Staff Members
1st Grade - Mrs. Darcey Pett and Mrs. Harshada Bawiskar
2nd Grade - Mrs. Beth Snyder and Mrs. Vivian Tan
3rd Grade - Ms. Janet Jelinek and Mrs. Vicky Banse
4th Grade - Mrs. Wakika Newton and Ms. Aeliya Arif
5th Grade - Mrs. Sarah Erschabek and Mr. Michael Cramer
Campus GT CounselorRhonda Rivers
(281) 634-4004
Campus Champion of Gifted Services (COGS)
Sarah Erschabek
Campus PAC Representatives
Roger Duong
Collins Obiosa-Maife
Li Jiang
FBISD Gifted and Talented Services
General Inquiries(281) 634-1357
Stay Informed