• Mr. Hernandez is overseeing the after-school Book Club at Brazos Bend Elementary. Book club is for students in grades 3-5 only. The purpose of the book club is to: engage students in different styles of reading, enhance critical thinking skills, and to promote literacy through new approaches. Students will be reading the 2024-2025 Bluebonnet books and will pick one book to create a project over. These lists are created by the Texas Library Association and represent some of the best new books for children. Projects should be completed by the students and reflect authentic student work. Parents are encouraged to help their child, but the project should reflect the abilities of the student. Student projects will be submitted to the campus for judging and the top 6 projects will be showcased at Book Cirque.  

    Book Cirque is a district showcase of projects created by students in other elementary schools. The showcase will be in February and all projects are due by the January 22nd. Students can create the project using different media forms.


    There will be 3 different types of projects available to create.

    1. Digital project- Movie Trailer or PowerPoint as examples
    2. Physical project- Painting, poster or Alternate Book cover creation, anything really.
    3. Game project- Original game board creation


    The Book Club will begin in October and will be held afterschool on the following Wednesdays from 3:50pm to 4:45pm and will continue until projects are due for Book Cirque. The club will be limited to 25 students. There is no after school transportation for this club; students in the club will need a ride or permission to walk home afterschool.

    October 2, (First Meeting)

    October – 9,16, 23

    November 6, 13,

    December 4th,

    January 15, 22

    January 22-projects Due



    All projects should be submitted to the BBE Library by January 22.


    For further questions, please contact Mr. Hernandez for further information

     Miguel.hernandez@fortbendisd.com or at 281-634-5237. Thank you.