• Brazos Bend Elementary Student Council consists of students from the fourth and fifth grades.  At the beginning of each school year, each class elects a boy and girl representative from their class to our BBE Student Council.  Our goal is to promote citizenship, responsibility, scholarship, leadership, school spirit and teamwork throughout Brazos Bend.

    In October of 2014 and 2015, Brazos Bend Elementary Student Council hosted the TEPSA Leadership Workshop, which allows schools from around the area to bring their Student Council Officers to learn how to be a good leader. 

    You will see Student Council members working the School Store, which is held every Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. in the library.  Student Council also runs the annual Valentine Fundraiser each year along with sponsoring and serving at a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon in May. 

    Throughout the years, we have been able to help with campus beautification and provide grade level recess equipment, with the success of our fundraisers and school store earnings. 

    Student Council Advisor
    Lindsay Kulhanek 