• Parents

Lunch Times

  • Kindergarten:     10:15 - 10:45

    First Grade:        10:45 - 11:15

    Second Grade:    11:15 - 11:45

    Third Grade:       12:15 - 12:45

    Fourth Grade:     11:45 - 12:15

    Fifth Grade:        12:45 - 1:15

    Student Meal Prices

    Breakfast:  $1.25

    Lunch:  $2.25

    Adult Meal Prices

    Breakfast:  $1.75

    Lunch:  $3.25

Absence Notes

  • Please send all absence notes to our attendance clerk, Ada Nerio, within 48 hours of the absence in order for the absence to be excused.  Please note the requirements for excused absences.

Conference/Outclass Times

  • Kindergarten:  2:20 - 3:15

    First Grade:      1:20 - 2:15

    Second Grade:  12:15 - 1:10

    Third Grade:    10:45 - 11:40

    Fourth Grade:   9:45 - 10:40

    Fifth Grade:      8:45 - 9:40

Rainy Day Dismissal

  • In case of severe weather during dismissal time, students who normally walk home will be held inside the building until the weather clears or lightning subsides.  Car riders, carpool and day care students will be dismissed normally as their car/van arrives. 

Birthday Celebrations

  • Parents are permitted to bring store bought cookies or cupcakes to school to celebrate their child's birthday.  The treats will be served toward the end of the day after the students' lunch time.  The cookies or cupcakes should be delivered to the front office along with the completed Request for Food Sales or Service Form

    Birthday parties, balloons or other treats are not permitted at school.  Students wishing to invite their friends to a private party outside of school, must mail the invitations or provide all students in the class, or of the same gender, with an invitation.  Invitations for students in other classes should be mailed.

Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures

  • Morning Drop-off

    Students may be dropped off at school in the morning on either the Beechnut or Soneto sides of the building.  The doors will open for breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and teachers will report to morning duty stations at that time.  Prior to that time, there will not be any adult supervision outside the building.  

    Early Pick-up

    Should you need to pick your student up from school early, you will need to come into the building and sign them out.  The student will only be released to people authorized on the current emergency card.  You must have a valid ID in order to sign a student out.  If you need to retrieve your student at the end of the school day, you must arrive and sign them out before 3:00 p.m., or you will be required to wait until after the dismissal bell at 3:25 p.m.  Dismissal can be a very hectic time, so for your student's safety and protection, we ask you to abide by these guidelines.

    Dismissal Pick-up

    The dismissal bell rings at 3:25 p.m.  Walkers are dismissed first through three different doors based on the direction they are walking.  Car riders, carpool, and day care students are dismissed as their cars/vans arrive.  Parents picking up car riders MUST have a colored card issued by the school in their front window in order to pick up their student.  If you do not have that card, you WILL be asked to park and sign your student out at the front office. This is for the safety of your child.  

    Pick-up areas are as follows:  

    • Soneto Walkers: doors at the back of the building facing Soneto
    • Beechnut/Bike Rack Walkers:  first set of doors facing Beechnut
    • Lobera Walkers:  doors facing the portable buildings and Lobera
    • Day Care:  bus drive on the Beechnut side
    • Car riders/Carpool K-2:  front circle drive on the Soneto side (students in 3-5 that ride with a sibling in K-2 will also be in this line)
    • Car riders/Carpool 3-5:  bus drive on the Beechnut side