Hello Lions!
Book Character Parade: Our annual Book Character parade is scheduled for Friday, October 27th at approximately 9:00 a.m. Please see attached for more information.
CRUNCH-TOBER: October 16-30 is CRUNCH-TOBER! Lions will be collecting cereal boxes and oatmeal for the Shared Dreams Food Cupboard! Please see attached for more information.
Unity Day: October 18th is Unity Day. We encourage everyone to wear orange to UNITE AGAINST BULLYING
Red Ribbon Week: Red Ribbon Week is scheduled October 23rd-October 27th. Please see attached for more information.
Spelling Bee: It is time for the Spelling Bee process to begin. Please see the attached information regarding the process and study lists.Live, Laugh, Love, Leonetti!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
messages/attachments/52e22539c38ed08b81fd9e98229cc515/Book_parade_parent_flyer.pdf (159.5 KB)
messages/attachments/ab6138f64e5408d44f610b10a7b22a89/Crunch-Tober_23_Flyer.pdf (216.0 KB)
messages/attachments/96a026a7f763dd77e1f7fa0f30bfdf8b/2023_Unity_Day.pdf (109.0 KB)
messages/attachments/7830373c5b0ec43f086b50c081c6dccc/23-24_DLE_Red_Ribbon_Week.pdf (404.6 KB)
messages/attachments/13f0a64ab20b148c360a1f4bc1198847/Classroom_Bee_Flyer_2023.pdf (76.4 KB)
messages/attachments/4ed8936077d8873d3dbbecd943a65c4a/Classroom_Spelling_Bee_Study_List_Fifth_Grade.pdf (192.3 KB)
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Hello Lions!
Student Holiday: Friday, September 29th is a student holiday. School will resume on Monday, October 2nd.
Palooza update: THANK YOU to all who have contributed to Palooza! Although the auction is closing today at 6pm, donations will remain open throughout the weekend. If you haven’t already, please make your contribution at www.dlepto.org/donate. Your support of our students and staff is appreciated!
Social Emotion Learning Update – Dates to Know:
October is packed full of SEL activities for our Lions. There will be flyers sent out for some of these events, but it is good to plan ahead.
• October 2 - MONDAY - Wear Blue for World Day of Bullying Prevention
• October 16 - 30th - Deeds for Donald - CRUNCH-TOBER! Lions will have their first ever cereal drive for the Shared Dreams Food Cupboard!
• October 18th - Unity Day - wear orange to UNITE AGAINST BULLYING
• October 23rd - 27th Red Ribbon Week
o Monday: Crimson Courage - Standing Strong Against Drugs: Wear Red
o Tuesday: Gear Up to Fight Drugs, Camouflage your way to VICTORY - wear camo
o Wednesday: Team up Against Drugs - wear your favorite team t-shirt or jersey
o Thursday: Dress Up, NOT Down: Ties and Tutus Against Drugs - wear ties and tutus
o Friday: Character Counts: Be a Drug Free Storyteller - dress up as your favorite book character for the parade!
All Pro Dad’s: Please join us for our first All Pro Dad's breakfast of the year on Friday, October 6th, at 7:15 AM in the DLE Gym. Our topic this month is "Creativity." When we’re creative, we use our imaginations and talents to express ourselves, to come up with new ideas, and to make the world around us more beautiful. Breakfast is provided. Please be sure to RSVP HERE so we have an accurate count.
Student Holidays: October 9th and 10th are student holidays. School will resume on October 11th.
Live, Laugh, Love, Leonetti!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
Hello Lions!
Student Holiday: Friday, September 29th is a student holiday. School will resume on Monday, October 2nd.
GT Awareness Parent Meeting: The Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented Department is committed to providing gifted services for students with exceptional academic abilities. A general information meeting about the district’s GT referral and identification process along with an overview of the characteristics of gifted and talented students will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Parents may access the Zoom meeting or the GT referral application by visiting the Gifted and Talented webpage- (www.fortbendisd.com/gt). FBISD is accepting GT referrals online from August 9th- September 30th.
PTO Spirit Night: Chick Fil-A Spirit Night is next Tuesday, September 26th from 4-8 p.m.
World Day of Bullying Prevention: Monday, October 2nd, is the World Day of Bullying Prevention and the kickoff for bullying prevention month. Students are encouraged to wear blue on this day to show their support of inclusivity and equity in our school community. Let’s keep our school a place that respects individuality by pledging to make it, “NO PLACE FOR HATE.” Students will be engaging in several activities throughout the month of October to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness and acceptance in our school community.
Student Holidays: October 9th and 10th are student holidays. School will resume on October 11th.
Live, Laugh, Love, Leonetti!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
messages/attachments/cc1ea78bc75fd60572b5c91496f31c89/GT_Awareness_Meeting_Flyer.pdf (2.4 MB)
Hello Lions!
Free & Reduced Meals: This is just a friendly reminder that if you are interested in applying for free and reduced priced meals for your child, now is the time. The application can be found at www.schoolcafe.com/fbisd. It is quick and easy to fill out and it’s confidential. You can also find more information regarding free and reduced price meals at https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/217. If you have questions or need assistance, please call Fort Bend ISD’s Child Nutrition Department at 281-634-1855.
2023 GT TESTING - REFERRAL WINDOW IS OPEN:The Gifted and Talented referral window is open. You may refer your child using this link. Please see the attached August 2023 Newsletter, from the counselor, for more information.
PTO Spirit Night: Support the Leonetti Elementary PTO with Chicken Salad Chick. It's time for a Spirit Night on Wheels! Parents, teachers, staff, family, and friends - order your choice of 1 pound tubs of chicken salad, egg salad, pimento cheese, large sides like broccoli salad, pasta salad, grape salad, mac 'n cheese, fresh fruit as well as croissants and treats with the order form link provided. Chicken Salad Chick will call to collect payment. 20% of sales will be donated to the Leonetti Elementary PTO. If 5:30-5:45 pm isn't a convenient pick up time, you're welcome to have a friend or PTO member pick up for you. Pick up your order Thursday, 8/31/2023, from 5:30-5:45 pm in the Leonetti Elementary front parking lot. Questions? Email nicolesanders.csc@gmail.com CLICK HERE TO ORDER TODAY: https://forms.gle/JRxrTNq69urTm5Ch8 Deadline to order: Wednesday, 8/30, at 10 am.
Spirit Wear: August 20th is your last chance to order Leonetti Elementary Spiritwear! Don’t miss out on these early bird deals!
Car Riders: I would like to thank all of our car riders for doing an amazing job following our dismissal traffic patterns! Thank you so much for not blocking the driveways so that our traffic can keep flowing. The teachers also appreciate all the waves and smiles. One tip to get the line moving faster – once students can independently enter their car and buckle their seatbelts, the more efficient the line moves.Twitter: Please be sure and follow us on Twitter @DLE_Lions!
Live, Laugh, Love, Leonetti!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
messages/attachments/44647a7b1a1d7b5d4a9154e80fa922a9/August_2023_Counselor_Newsletter.pdf (561.5 KB)
Hello Lions!
Thank you for a great start to the school year. Ms. Simpson, Ms. Armiger and I met with every grade level and visited all classrooms everyday this week to set expectations for an amazing year. Have a great weekend and see you Monday!
DLE Free Student Shirt: Please fill out this form to request your student’s FREE Leonetti t-shirt provided by our amazing PTO. These shirts will be required for all field trips, field day and the fun run. https://tinyurl.com/freeshirt2023
PTO Room Parent: Any parent wishing to sign up to be a PTO Room Parent must fill out this interest form: https://tinyurl.com/classparent2023
Recess & Weather Guidelines: Fort Bend ISD has weather guidelines in place to assist staff in planning for recess. The guidelines utilize a combination of temperature and humidity to determine if outdoor recess is safe. I have attached the guidelines so that you are aware of when the district recommends indoor vs. outdoor recess.Twitter: Please be sure and follow us on Twitter @DLE_Lions!
Hear Our Roar!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
messages/attachments/1a7ec217228a050a9458c954ee96e6a3/Fort_Bend_ISD_Weather_Guidelines_Heat.pdf (130.9 KB)
Hello Lions!
Holiday: Monday, September 4th is a student holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, September 5th.
Open House: Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 7th. There will be two presentations: 5:00-5:30 last names A-M and 6:00-6:30 last names N-Z. PTO will hold a general meeting from 5:30-6:00 in the gym. Families will also be able to pick up any DLE spirit wear that they ordered!
Paw Prints: If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the PTO weekly newsletter at: https://dlepto.org/news/2023/7/7/subscribe-to-pawprints. It is a great way to get updated information regarding DLE.
CPAC Opportunity: The FBISD Board believes in the Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) and the importance of campuses partnering with internal and external stakeholders in the planning and decision-making process in order to promote student growth and continuous improvement aligned with the attributes of the Profile of a Graduate through leadership development, continuous improvement, and the utilization of scalable systems. If you are interested in serving as a parent representative on DLE's CPAC (Campus Planning Advisory Council), please email me by September 14th at joy.schwinger@fortbendisd.com.
Gifted and Talented Evaluation: Does your child seem exceptionally bright and far more advanced when compared to peers? Consider referring your child for testing to see if he/she will qualify for the FBISD Gifted and Talented Program. FBISD is accepting GT referrals online from August 9th- September 30th. Please click the link below to refer your child. https://gt.fortbendisd.com/
3rd - 5th Grade Needs Assessment: 3rd—5th grade students will be asked to complete a School Counseling Needs Assessment. The results of this student survey will help determine student social/emotional needs and refine our counseling program to respond to the needs identified. The attached Needs Assessment Parent Letter provides more information about the purpose of the survey and a link to opt out if you do not want your child to participate. The deadline to opt out of the Needs Assessment is Wednesday, September 13th, 2023.
Hearts of Gold: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We encourage staff and students to show their support by wearing gold or yellow every Wednesday in September.
On September 23rd, the Gold Stroll at Sawmill will take place. This is NOT a DLE event, but an event put on by A Shelter for Cancer Families. If you would like to participate in this event and/or donate you can through this link: Gold Stroll - https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/AShelterforCancerFamilies/HOGStrollSienna.html
If you are unable to make the Gold Stroll event and just want to donate, you can use this link: Hearts of Gold Donation - https://www.justgiving.com/page/teamleonetti-1692802218100 . Coach Peters and Coach Cadenhead will be participating in the Gold Stroll walk. They have already created a team called Leonetti Team. They would love for as many families that would like to participate to join in on the walk. There is a registration fee for this event. Please note that making any donations is completely optional and not required.On September 15th, all students and staff can dress up as their favorite superhero to honor those students who continue their fight or have fought pediatric cancer. They are true heroes!
Live, Laugh, Love, Leonetti!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
messages/attachments/23aeed63d05931d2c3f7c76de598b67c/Needs_Assessment_Parent_Letter_23-24.pdf (290.3 KB)
messages/attachments/6334855bc493eef08bcc57053436545c/September_2023_Counselor_Connection.pdf (669.0 KB)
Hello Lions!
It was wonderful seeing all of our students back on campus today! Starting tomorrow our arrival procedures will go into effect and students will walk to class independently. We will have staff stationed throughout the building to help escort students to class. Please see below for arrival tips.
If you are bringing your child by car:
• Please use the car rider line to drop off your child. The car rider line begins at the left entrance to the school and wraps around the back of the building. Please pull up all the way on the cafeteria/gym side of the school and have your child open their car door and walk towards the cafeteria doors.
• Students may not be dropped off in the parking lot and walk across unescorted.
• If parents must walk their child to the door, they must park their car in the front parking lot and walk their child across using the crosswalk.
• Parents should not park in the side staff parking lot and cross at the car rider line. Parent and students will not be allowed to cross at the car rider line as this poses a safety concern.
• Do not U-turn at the Leonetti exit intersection. All U-turns should be made at the Thornton Middle school intersection.
Walkers & Bikers:
• All bikers and walkers should cross where crossing guards are stationed.
• Once on school property, bikers should dismount and walk their bike to the bike racks.
• Walkers and bikers will enter through the main entrance.
Bus Riders & Day Care:
• Bus riders are dropped off at the front entrance where staff will greet them as they enter the building.
• Day care riders are dropped off in the car rider line where staff will greet them as they enter the building.
Remember, our doors open at 7:30 a.m. and we encourage you to get here early.
Hear Our Roar!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
Hello Lions!
Meet the Teacher: Meet the Teacher is scheduled for Monday, August 7th. Families with last names A-M will attend from 4:00-4:30 and last names N-Z will attend from 4:45-5:15. This is a brief, informal visit for you to get acquainted with your child’s teacher, drop off school supplies, and confirm dismissal information. If you pre-ordered school supplies, they will be delivered directly to your child’s homeroom teacher. Teachers will not hold conferences or present information at this time.
Nurse & Medications Update: If you are planning on attending "Meet the Teacher" and your student has any medication that needs to be kept on campus for administration during school hours, please bring the completed paperwork with signatures from both the medical provider and parent along with the medication to the clinic during this time. If you are unable to attend "Meet the Teacher", please stop by campus to meet with the nurse on Monday or Tuesday prior to the first day of school from 8am-4pm. If other arrangements need to be made for drop off of medication, please contact the clinic at 281-327-3199 or email sommer.key@fortbendisd.com."
Spirit Wear: DLE Spirit Wear is on sale for a limited time only, at early bird pricing! Order yours BEFORE August 20!
First Day of School: The first day of school is Wednesday, August 9th. I know that most of you want to come in with your children the first day. We love the support, and we encourage you to walk your child to their classroom the first day.
Second Day of School: We ask that after the first day of school, starting August 10th, you use our carpool lane to drop off your child. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and teachers are on duty to supervise students. If parents must walk their child to the door, they must park their car in the front parking lot and walk their child across using the front crosswalk. Parents should not park in the side staff parking lot and cross at the car rider line. Parents and students will not be allowed to cross at the car rider line. Due to the high volume of traffic, crossing at the car rider line poses a safety risk for students, parents and staff.Twitter: Please be sure and follow us on Twitter @DLE_Lions!
Hear Our Roar!Joy Schwinger, Principal
Hello Lions!
The teachers and staff are so excited for the first day of school tomorrow! We are dismissing over 800 students so we need everyone to follow procedures and remain courteous.
Please see the reminders and map below regarding dismissal.
Car Riders- Car rider line runs very long the first few weeks of school. Please be patient as we all learn the routines.
• All cars will travel on Waters Lake Blvd. and pass Thornton Middle school. Cars will u-turn in front of Thornton Middle School and pull around. Do NOT cut in front of cars already waiting behind the car rider exit.
• Do not block the driveway exits or intersections as this stalls all traffic and no one can move forward.
• Do not switch lanes throughout the car rider line. Switching lanes will place you at the wrong car rider spot when you pull around to meet your child and delay movement of the car rider line.
• Please help your child learn their dismissal number so that they can quickly exit once they are called.
• Please display your car rider tag until your child has entered your car.
• Please help your child learn to buckle their seat belts once they are seated.
• Do NOT cut in line. Please wait patiently!
• Parents also may not walk up and pick up their child from the car rider dismissal location. If parents want to walk up, they should meet their child at the walker rendezvous points. It is not safe to have parents and students walking through the car rider line.
Walkers/Bike Riders- Please meet your child at their appropriate rendezvous point.
• The walker rendezvous point on Waters Lake Blvd. is located on the grassy area between our car rider line and the Everbrook daycare. Students will only be released by staff once they are at the walker rendezvous point. Parents should not walk up to the school to meet their child. Instead, they should walk up and meet their child at the designated point. No students will be released to a parent in a parked car at any time. Students must cross the street at designated cross walks with a FBISD crossing guard.
• The Thornton cross walk. Students will only be released by staff once they are across Waters Lake Blvd. Parents should not walk up to the school to meet their child. Instead, they may walk up and meet their child at the designated point. No students will be released to a parent in a parked car at any time. Students must cross the street at designated cross walks with a FBISD crossing guard.
Bus Riders
• Drop off and pick up times may vary for the first two weeks of school until bus routes are firmly established.
• Kindergarten-2nd grade students must be met by a parent
Thank you for your support!
Joy Schwinger, Principal
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