• FBISD School Health Services program is dedicated to creating a culture of wellness that supports student success.

    A Registered Nurse is assigned to each elementary and middle school campus, while a Registered Nurse and Licensed Vocational Nurse are assigned to each high school campus. The school nurse assists students' physical, mental and social growth by providing a health services program that assesses, evaluates and improves the health of students and staff. 

    Please contact your school nurse regarding your student's health issues and concerns, hospitalizations and/or treatment changes.

    Sommer Key: School Nurse 

    Mrs. Key

    It is such an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to serve as the school nurse at DLE. This will be my 15th year as a school nurse with 8 of those years with FBISD. Prior to school nursing, I worked in the operating room at Methodist Hospital in the medical center for 3 years. I am a native Houstonian and graduated from both Texas A&M University and the University of Texas School of Nursing. I also live in Sienna and have 2 lions of my own. One will be entering the 5th grade here at DLE and the other is a graduated lion and will be entering the 7th grade at Baines Middle School. I am looking forward to getting to know more students this year and meeting more families within this wonderful community.

    DLE is the greatest place to be!


    • Clinic FAQs

      • Where is the clinic? 

      We are located at the front of the building on the right-hand side, just beyond the Front Office.  If you need to come to the clinic, please check in at the Front Office and they will direct you to the clinic.

      • What do you need to know about the health of my student?

      At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians are requested to review/update their student’s medical conditions in Skyward. These include allergies, current and previous health conditions and current medications (including those taken at home). Please keep the clinic updated of health concerns, medication changes, injuries requiring special accommodations, extended illness and hospitalizations during the year. 

      • What health information is shared with the faculty?

      Critical alerts such as insulin-dependent diabetes, life-threatening allergies, and seizures are shared with the student’s teachers each semester. Other health concerns are shared on a "need to know" basis with staff members if the condition may affect your student’s health, safety, or educational needs. This information is protected under FERPA.

      • What if my student is ill?

      Please keep your student home if he/she has had a temperature of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours. Students can return to school after being fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol/Acetominophen or Advil/Ibuprofen. If your student is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours or is feeling too ill to come to school, we request that your student remains home until symptoms have resolved. If your student becomes ill with any of these symptoms while at school, he/she will remain in the clinic until someone is able to take them home. 

      • How does my student contact me about illnesses or injuries at school? 

      Your student will be sent to the clinic by a staff member if they present with signs and symptoms of illness or injury. If you get a text or call from your student that he/she is ill or injured, please encourage him/her to go to inform the teacher of their symptoms so they can be sent to the clinic. The clinic will communicate with parents regarding these concerns and parents will be able to communicate with their student in more detail if needed. 

      • Who can pick up my student? 

      Students will be released to parents, guardians, or other contacts that are listed in Skyward. If you choose to send a friend or other family member, an email will be requested from you giving permission for another contact to come for your student. We request that that contact brings a form of picture ID.  If we are unable to reach the primary contacts listed and have left verbal messages for you, we will attempt to contact your designated alternates.

      • Is my student excused if he goes home from the clinic?

      Yes, if your student is dismissed from the clinic due to being ill or injured, the student will be excused for that day. If your student remains home the following day/days, please provide a note/email to the registrar/ADA.

      • What is the proper way to handle medication needed during school hours?

      For safety concerns, students are not allowed to carry medication at school. This also includes over-the-counter medication. All medication must be delivered to the clinic by the parent or guardian, in the original container, with completed paperwork/forms signed and dated by the parent and, if indicated by the physician.

      Student Health Forms are located on the district website under School Health Services Department. Please use the link below to access any forms you may need for your student.


      • What about immunizations? 

      Parents/guardians are responsible for providing and updating the required immunization records for your student to enroll and to remain in school. Reminders are sent via email for upcoming immunization due dates for your convenience. 

      Please refer to the link below for more information about Texas State Minimum Vaccine Requirements for 2024-2025


      • What if my student is injured, temporarily disabled or recovering from an illness or surgery? 

      We are your student’s advocate. Please contact the clinic and email the doctor's note/activity restriction so that we can communicate and coordinate with teachers and coaches about any accommodations and other classroom interventions that need to be in place. 

      • What if my student tested positive for COVID or has been exposed to a person with a confirmed COVID diagnosis?

      FBISD follows the current CDC recommendations for COVID. Students who have been exposed to someone with a case of COVID do not need to be excluded from school. If a student has been diagnosed with COVID and has a fever, the student should remain home. The student can return to school once he/she is fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication within that time frame. Students may return after being fever free for 24 hours and are feeling well enough to participate in school activities. A doctor's note is not required for clearance to return to school. 

      • What if my student has a dietary concern?
    • If your student has a dietary restriction or concern and accommodations need to be in place, please have your student's medical provider complete the form below and then return to the FBISD Child Nutrition Department.
    • https://www.fortbendisd.com/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=3591&dataid=99260&FileName=FBISD%20CND%20Request%20for%20Dietary%20Accommodations%20Form%207.23.18.pdf




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