• Parents

Arrival and Dismissal Plan 2016-17

    1. All students must have a “regular” way home. No changes will be made without a request in writing from the parent to the classroom/homeroom teacher.
    2. All walkers and bikers must have a “rainy day plan” on file with the homeroom teacher.
    3. Car riders:
      1. Students who reside to the south and west of Lantern Lane will be dropped off and picked up at the front of the building. Display a YELLOW tag on visor all year.
      2. Students who reside to the north and east of Lantern Lane will be dropped off and picked up at the cafeteria entrance. Display a GRAY tag on visor all year.
      3. See reverse side of this sheet for a list of streets in the YELLOW zone (use front entrance). All other street addresses are in the GRAY zone (use cafeteria entrance).
      4. Safety Patrol and staff members will open and close car doors on the right side of vehicles only. Drivers are to remain in the automobile.
    4. Day care riders and school bus riders will utilize the front drive for arrival and dismissal.
    5. North walkers and bike riders will exit from the cafeteria doors and be escorted to the edge of the school property. They will enter the cafeteria doors at arrival.
    6. South walkers and bike riders will exit from the front doors and be escorted to the edge of the property at dismissal. They will enter the front doors at arrival.
    7. Cars will only be allowed to turn RIGHT out of both school driveways.