Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-4680
Degrees and Certifications:
EC-4 Generalist EC-12 ESL Supplemental EC-12 SPED
Ms. Elizabeth Bertrand
I am a native Texan. Texas music, dancing and being outdoors, especially if it involves the sun and water, are some of my favorite things. I enjoy watching the Astros, Space Cowboys and the Texas Longhorns. Above all, I enjoy making people laugh. Born with the genetic disorder Neurofibromatosis, I am often reminded of my facial differences and the other complications of my disorder. Yet, I believe each of us was created with a purpose and I know I wouldn't be the same person I am today without the struggles and triumphs God has given me. I taught kindergarten for 14 years and PreK for 5 years at a Lutheran school in Houston. I found my place at Lantern Lane in 2019. My goal is to create an environment in which my students feel enthusiastic about school and confident they can succeed!
Teacher Schedule
Ms. Bertrand’s Buckaroos/ECSE 4
7:50--8:10 Arrival/Morning Tasks and Activity
8:10-8:50 Morning Meeting
8:50-9:40 Centers/Small Groups : Reading/Writing/Social Studies
9:40-:10:05 Recess
10:10-10:40 Lunch
10:40-10:50 Music/Movement
10:55-11:35 Read Aloud/Social Emotional/Social Studies/Word and Number Play
11:40-12:25 Outclass
12:30-1:00 Rest
1:05-1:25 Read Aloud/Science
1:30-1:55 Snack/Recess
2:00-2:55 Afternoon Centers/Small Groups
3:00-3:15 Closing Meeting/Read Aloud
Pack folders and bags for dismissal