Gifted and Talented at Quail Valley Elementary School

  • Identified students in grades K-5 are cluster-grouped with GT-trained teachers in the core subject areas of English language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics.  Program services for identified Kindergarten students begin March 1 as mandated by the state.

    Please visit the Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented website for information on the evaluation for GT services.

School Gifted and Talented Announcements

  • GT PAC Membership Drive
    The GT Parent Advisory Committee is …
    It is comprised of parents in FBISD who support the GT program.
    Members serve as liaisons between the GTPAC and their school community.
    Members provide feedback to the committee from their school communities.
    Members serve as a resource for parents of gifted children.
    Attend monthly meetings which focus on annual goals established by the committee.
    Host events specifically designed for families of gifted children.
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