• QVE Broadcasting Club  

    Would you like to be a part of our Broadcasting Club during the 2023-2024 school year?  Students wishing to apply for a job in the QVE Broadcasting Club should fill out the bottom half of this form and have it signed and returned by: 

    Thursday, August 17, 2023 to your homeroom teacher.
    The number of applicants, grades, behavior, promptness to school, and teacher recommendations will determine who will be accepted. 


    Jobs: (5 positions) 

    Anchor (2 spots):  Broadcast daily events on camera. 

    Audio/Video Mixer:  Runs the soundboard, maintains microphones, the video board, sets up camera, and lighting. 

    Computer Technician:  Prepares Power Point slides for transitions. 

    Producer:  The producer learns all the positions on the team to fill in when needed. 


    **Students in Broadcast Club need to be at school by 7:50 am every day for duty. The expectations are to maintain a passing grade in all subjects and to model good behavior in Tuesday Folders.