Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-5811


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies Early Childhood through 4th Grade Special Education Early Childhood through 12th Grade

Mrs. Ramirez

I am proud and honored to be the  SAILS teacher here at QVE. I am currently in my 19th year with Fort Bend ISD. This is my 17th year at Quail Valley Elementary. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping students  realize how incredibly powerful and awesome they are! I beleive that our students grow and accomplish amazing things through learning, exploration, and  opportunity. It is both an honor and a pleasure to serve the Quail Valley community. 

I am also the proud mother of 6 amazing, fully grown children and have been married for to Mr. Ramirez for 30 years. 

Teacher Schedule

  • 8:10-9:30 Social Studies and Writing Group A
    9:30-11:20 Writing  and Health Group B 
    11:20-1:50 Writing and Health Group C
    1:50-3:15 Social Studies and Writing Group D 

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials as needed.