

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Nardiello

Hello! My name is Mrs. Nardiello. I am a 5th grade Math and Science teacher. I can not wait to learn and grow with my students this year. 

Teacher Schedule

  • Schedule:

    8:05- School Day Starts

    8:15-9:00- Outclass/ Conference Time

    9:00-10:35- Math Block 

    10:35- 11:20- Science Block 

    11:20- Switch Time

    11:20- 12:40- Math Block

    12:40-1:40- Lunch and Recess

    1:40- 2:25- Intervention Time

    2:25-2:40- Finish Math Block

    2:40- 3:20- Science Block 

    3:20- Dismissal Time


Teacher Tutorial Schedule