Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-5040


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors from University of Houston Certifications: Generalist (EC-4) ESL Supplemental (EC - 4) GT

Mrs. Achsa Burris

Welcome to 3rd Grade! 

I am excited to teach ELA & SS at QVE and have more than 14 years of experience teaching in public education. I am a product of FBISD from elementary all the way through high school!

I graduated from Kempner High School in 2005 and attended the University of Houston. I majored in Education and graduated in 2010. I have taught 1st and 2nd grade but fell in love with teaching 3rd grade. Teaching is not just my job; it’s my calling! 

Looking forward to a great year!


Teacher Schedule

  • Conference Time:

    9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

    Please email me to schedule a conference. 


    Daily Schedule

    8:10-8:20 - Do Now/Warm Up

    8:20-8:45 - Phonics

    8:45-9:00 - Writing Mini Lesson

    9:00-9:45 - OUTCLASS

    9:45-10:00 - Independent Writing

    10:00-10:50 - Reading Mini Lesson/Small Groups

    10:50-11:15 - Social Studies

    11:20 - Switch Classes

    11:25-11:40 - Phonics

    11:40-12:40 - Lunch & Recess

    12:40-12:55 - Writing Mini Lesson

    12:55-1:40 - Intervention

    1:40-2:00 - Independent Writing

    2:00-2:50 - Reading Mini Lesson/Small Groups

    2:50-3:15 - Social Studies

    3:15 - Dismissal Prep

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

    • Intervention is offered daily through class from 12:55 p.m. to 1:40 p.m.