Grade Levels
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About Second Grade
Welcome to second grade!
This year, in math, second grade students will be able to draw conclusion and make prediction from information in a graph. They will be able to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way. Students will be able to use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200, generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 1,200. They will also be able to determine whether a number up to 40 is even or odd. Students will be able to create two-dimensional shapes based on number of sides and vertices as well as classify and sort three-dimensional solids. Students will be able to find the length of objects to the nearest marked unit using rulers, meter sticks, or measuring tapes. Students will also be able to partition objects into equal parts and be able to name the parts, including halves, fourths, and eighths. They will also be able to tell time to the nearest second. Students will be introduced to multiplication and division by understanding that equal groups are created in multiplication and separated in division. Students will also be able to write and solve two step word problems involving addition and subtraction.
In reading, second graders will work on concepts from phonics and comprehension. We will be studying word chunks and phonics skills to make us stronger readers. Comprehension strategies and skills will include author’s purpose, story elements, identifying key information from both fiction and nonfiction selections, and supporting answers with evidence. In writing, students will explore and write for different purposes – personal narratives, informational texts, poetry, research, and adapting familiar tales. Students will take pieces of writing through the stages of the writing process and learn the craft and revision of becoming authors. Students will also publish a piece of writing and create a class book.
In Social Studies, students will learn and explore different types of concepts in our world – economics, resources, our government, and history. Students will also explore geography concepts such as map skills, culture and human geography. Because of our evolving world of technology, students will be learning concepts of technology in our society as well.
Our little scientists will be learning about science in a very hands-on way this year. Students will use the engineering design process regularly to pose various questions and work out solutions to their problems. They will explore creatively and in the process will learn what it means to be an engineer. Students will learn about the physical properties of matter, weather, the water cycle, food chains, and resources.