Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

  • Auto Mechanics is an industry that continues to grow in complexity as vehicles become increasingly automated and tied to technology.  Students have the opportunity to access both automotive and diesel mechanics at James Reese Career and Technical Center.


    Possible Certifications:

    ASE Brakes

    ASE Medium / Heavy Truck Brakes

    ASE Medium / Heavy Truck Technician Suspension and Steering

    ASE Steering and Suspension


    Career and Technical Student Organizations:

    SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. The organization improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. SkillsUSA works because it empowers every student to achieve career success.


    Course Descriptions:

    Course Name: Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CTD090

    Offered In: 10–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: Dual Credit

    Prerequisites: Completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: In this course, students study the principles of vehicle maintenance. Topics include automotive history, safety practices, shop equipment and tools, vehicle subsystems, professional responsibilities, and basic maintenance. Students learn to diagnose and actively participate in the repair of automotive brake systems. Dual credit is earned through Texas State Technical College. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.


    Course Name: Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service (Advanced CTE Course)

    Course: 2

    Course Number: CTD100

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: Dual Credit Prerequisites: Automotive Technology I; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Advanced knowledge of automotive technology service is acquired through this course. Students will engage in hands-on diagnosis and repair of automotive suspension and steering systems including electronically controlled systems. Learned techniques include component repair, alignment procedures, and tire and wheel service. Dual credit is earned through Texas State Technical College. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.


    Course Name: Diesel Equipment Technology I

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CTD170

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: Dual Credit

    Prerequisites: Completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Diesel Equipment Technology I includes knowledge of the function and maintenance of diesel systems. Rapid advances in diesel technology have created new career opportunities and demands in the transportation industry. This course provides the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in transportation systems. Dual credit is earned through Texas State Technical College. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.