Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security

  • Students begin coursework for the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security program on their home campus and complete their pathway in Law Enforcement and Court Systems and Practices at James Reese Career and Technical Center.


    Possible Certifications:


    First Aid


    Career and Technical Student Organizations:

    SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. The organization improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. SkillsUSA works because it empowers every student to achieve career success.


    Course Descriptions:

    Course Name: Law Enforcement II

    Course: 3

    Course Number: CLP030

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 1 Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Law Enforcement I; concurrent enrollment in Court Systems and Practices; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Law Enforcement II is designed to give the student insight into the areas of emergency communications, ethical and legal responsibilities, and courtroom testimony topics.


    Course Name: Court Systems and Practices (Advanced CTE Course)

    Course: 4

    Course Number: CLP060

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 1

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Law Enforcement I; concurrent enrollment in Law Enforcement II; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Public servants in this field hold positions of great responsibility and are obligated to follow a strict code of ethics. Learn about federal and state court systems, roles of judicial officers and the trial process from pretrial to sentencing. Examine the types and rules of evidence, constitutional laws for criminal procedures such as search and seizure, stop and frisk, and interrogation.


    Course Name: Firefighter I

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CLP090

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: Dual Credit

    Prerequisites: Chemistry and concurrent enrollment in Anatomy and Physiology; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: This HCC dual credit course is designed for students interested in post-secondary education and a career in the fire science and rescue field. Studies include familiarization with the Texas Commission on Fire Protection Rules and Regulations, fire fighter safety, the science of fire propagation and extinguishment and protective equipment. Students will demonstrate the ability to use equipment and participate in simulated activities.


    Course Name: Firefighter II (Advanced CTE Course)

    Course: 2

    Course Number: CLP100

    Offered In: 12

    Credits: 3

    Level: Dual Credit

    Prerequisites: Firefighter I; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: This HCC dual credit course is the second in a series of courses for students studying Fire Science. The final phase is taken at HCC after graduation. Learners will continue the fire-training phase of the Texas Commission on Fire Protections’ minimum standards for Structure Fire Protection Personnel Certification. Students will be able to understand and apply principles of fire behavior, water distribution systems, ventilation, fixed fire protection systems, ladder and rescue techniques.


    Course Name: Forensic Science

    Course Number: CLP040

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 1

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry

    Description: Forensic Science is the application of science and how it applies to matters of the law. Forensic Science is a course that uses a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crimes of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to crime scenes, while collecting and analyzing evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science. *This CTE course counts as a science credit.