
  • Manufacturing is the heart of our economy and more than 1/2 of all products produced use welding of some kind.  Students can access the Manufacturing prorgram through welding coursework at James Reese Career and Technical Center.


    Possible Certifications:

    AWS 1.1

    AWS 9.1

    NCCER - Welding


    Career and Technical Student Organizations:

    SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. The organization improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. SkillsUSA works because it empowers every student to achieve career success.


    Course Descriptions:

    Course Name: Welding I

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CMN030

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 2 Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Students will learn the skills and techniques in welding including obtaining measurements, performing welds, evaluating and inspecting welds, and compliance. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.


    Course Name: Welding II (Advanced CTE Course)

    Course: 2

    Course Number: CMN040

    Offered In: 12

    Credits: 2

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Welding I; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Students will advance their skills in vertical and horizontal welding along with special processes including hard facing, prepping, and painting. Students will operate arc, oxyacetylene, MIG and other advanced welders utilizing various base metals, filler metals, and flux coating. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.