Information Technology

  • The information highway growth is not slowing down. Students take course work in computer maintenance, networking and cybersecurity as part of the Information Technology program at James Reese Career and Technical Center.


    Possible Certifications:


    COMPTIA Fundamentals

    COMPTIA Networking

    OSHA — Cybersecurity


    Career and Technical Student Organizations:

    Skills USA enhances personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), whereby members apply and integrate these concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs. TSA accelerates student achievement and supports teachers by providing engaging opportunities to develop STEM skills.


    Course Descriptions:

    Course Name: Computer Maintenance + Lab

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CIT030

    Offered In: 10–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: Learn to install, configure, upgrade, and perform computer maintenance with respect to security using appropriate tools. Students acquire practical knowledge of system setup, diagnostic procedures, and troubleshooting techniques. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.


    Course Name: Principles of Cybersecurity

    Course: 1

    Course Number: CIT140

    Offered In: 10–12

    Credits: 1

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: This course develops the skills needed to master fundamental concepts of cybersecurity and examines trends in cyberattacks, common vulnerabilities, and the emergence of cyberterrorism. Students will explore the challenges facing information security professionals related to ethics, system security, network security, and application security. Learners conduct risk assessments while developing and implementing security policies to mitigate those risks. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.


    Course Name: Networking + Lab (Advanced CTE Course)

    Course: 2

    Course Number: CIT050

    Offered In: 11–12

    Credits: 2

    Level: On Level

    Prerequisites: Computer Maintenance + Lab; completed application and acceptance required at the James Reese Career and Technical Center

    Description: This laboratory-based course provides learners with a better understanding of telecommunications and data networking technologies. Students actively participate in learning types of configurations and upgrading, recognizing the many network components, and developing and implementing a network design plan. This course aligns to an industry certification available to all students.