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    What is SkillsUSA Texas?

    SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student to excel. SkillsUSA is a national organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations and for further education. SkillsUSA was formerly known as VICA (the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).

    SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of America’s skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training. SkillsUSA enhances the lives and careers of students, instructors and industry representatives as they strive to be champions at work.

    The James Reese Career and Technical Center provides students an opportunity to join the SkillsUSA chapter through membership and participation. 

    For more information or questions, please contact our lead chapter advisor, James Hurtubise (email at james.hurtubise@fortbendisd.com)


    Past National Winners from Reese:


    Ausia Kendrick--Graphic Communications 4th place

    Mace Blanchard--Plumbing 19th place



    Babita Sajeesh--Basic Healthcare 4th place


    Mohammed Alsharab--Basic Healthcare 7th place

    Cormac Saxon--Info Tech 18th place