Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-5236


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S.Early Childhood Education

Mrs. Candace Brown

Welcome! My name is Candace Brown, and I am excited about teaching at Commonwealth Elementary. I have been teaching 2nd Grade at Commonwealth since 2012. I am looking forward to watching your children grow.


Teacher Schedule

  • 8:05 -8:15 Homeroom 
    8:15 -10:30 ELAR and Social Studies
    10:30 -11:15 Enrichment
    11:15-12:15 Lunch/Recess 
    12:20 - 1:40 ELAR and Social Studies
    1:40 - 2:25 Conference Period/Outclass
    2:30 -3:25 ELAR and Social Studies

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  •  Tutorials are offered as needed.