Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-5120


Degrees and Certifications:

M.Ed Elementary Education General Education Grades 1-8 ESL Certification B.S. Human Development and Family Studies

Mrs. Patricia Lambert

Welcome to fifth grade! I'm so excited to be teaching science and social studies at CWE. This will be my 22nd year teaching fifth grade. I feel so privileged to teach at a school where the staff, parents and students are the best!

I attended school at Texas Tech University and graduated in 1985. Go Red Raiders!! Two years later, I received my master's degree from the University of Houston.
My family and I have lived in Commonwealth for the past 23 years. My husband and I have been married 39 years and have 2 daughters, two sons-in-law, two granddaughters and a son. In addition to spending time with my family, I love to scrapbook and travel.

I have many fun things planned for this year! I can't wait to meet all of you!

Mrs. Lambert