Phone: 281-634-3680


Degrees and Certifications:

Campus Champion of GT Services Fort Bend GT Certification ESL Certification EC-6 Certification Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education Master's of Science in Elementary Education Specialist of Educational Leadership Conference Time: 10:00-10:45

Mrs. Nancy Ferrara

Welcome Sonal Bhuchar Royal Bengals!  My name is Nancy Ferrara, and I am proud to serve two roles for our campus; the campus literacy interventionist and the champion of gifted and talented services. 

I've been teaching for 19 years.  I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Elementary Education and a Master’s degree specializing in Educational Technology.  My first teaching experience was as a 4th grade teacher in the state of Florida for 5 years.  I learned a lot from my hands-on experience, but I also knew that I wanted to continue improving my skill set.  During this time, I attended Florida Atlantic University.  In 2006, I graduated with a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership. 

In the next phase of my life, my husband and I relocated to Houston and grew our family.  While my children were younger, I enjoyed four beautiful years as a pre-school teacher at the local church-based program they attended.  As they grew older, I was ready to go back to work full-time at our home school district, FBISD. My kids are now both in high school, where my daughter is involved as a talented dancer and artist, and my son plays football and sings in the choir.   

I am a highly qualified teacher, and this is my tenth-year teaching at the elementary level for our district. I was honored to be named Sienna Crossing's 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year.  When presented the opportunity to open one of our new campuses, I jumped at the chance.  Our Royal Debut at SBE was amazing last year!  I am looking forward to helping our kids enhance their literacy skills and growing our family here at SBE.  Now Bengals, let's grow together and earn those stripes!