Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 329-6390


Degrees and Certifications:

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Education (EC-5) Certifications: English Second Language Pre-K

Ms. Jillian Hughes

My name isJillian Hughes, and I am a Pre-K teacher at Bhuchar Elementary. I graduated fromTennessee TechUniversityin 2006with aBachelor of Science in Elementary Education.This will be my first year at SBE and my 15th year as a teacher.In addition to teaching Pre-K, I havetaught Kindergarten,1st, and 2ndgrade. I have taught inTennessee, Texas, and South Korea. 
I have a 13-year-old son named Parker who is a 7th grader at First Colony Middle School.We have two goldendoodles and a shih tzu. I enjoy reading, traveling, spending time with my family and friends, and cheering on the Astros and Texans.  
I love teaching, and I am proud to be an SBE Bengal! I am looking forward to another wonderful year of learning and having fun! Go Bengals! 

Teacher Schedule

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials scheduled as needed