
  • All medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be furnished by the parent/guardian and appropriate medication administration forms must be completed by the parent/guardian AND physician (available here).
    Medication will be delivered to the clinic by the parent/guardian in the original and properly labeled container and must be picked up by the parent/guardian or another adult which the parent/guardian can designate. The nurse and/or clinic assistant will administer all medications in the clinic.
    For prescription medications that are left at school, a second labeled container can be obtained from your pharmacy. When medication is discontinued, it must be picked up by the parent/guardian. Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded per FBISD School Health Policy.
    Clinic Hours are from 7:30am-3:30pm. Medication Drop-Offs are accepted from 7:40am-3:00pm. 
    If you have any questions, please call or come by the school clinic.