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Kindergarten Registration
Welcome to Dulles Elementary, Home of the Little Vikings!
In order to begin the registration process for your student, please visit the Student Registration page on the Fort Bend ISD website, or follow this link. https://www.fortbendisd.com/newstudent
Once you have completed your registration application online, the following documents will need to be scanned and emailed to our Registrar at mubashir.mansoor@fortbendisd.com
- Birth certificate or its equivalent
- Official immunization record with a physician's stamp or signature
- Proof of residence, including a deed, lease or mortgage agreement
- recent utility bill (water, gas, or electric only)
- Student's social security card (will be requested) or state assigned ID number
- A government issued photo ID of the student’s parent or guardian, which provides their FBISD address (TX Driver’s License/ID Card)
If you do not have access to a scanner, you can take a picture of the documents and email them. Please see the document on the registration page on how to send an encrypted message through your phone.
As soon as we receive your information, we will contact you to schedule an appointment.
Current Fort Bend ISD students do not need to complete a new online registration.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate through this process together. Please contact Mr. Mubashir Mansoor if you have any additional questions and he will be happy to help!