Block Schedule
Daily Schedule
3rd Grade ELAR-SS Blocked Schedule
7:50-8:10 Morning Business/Morning Chat Talks
8:10-8:35 Social Studies
8:35- 10:30 RLA (115)
9:00-9:25 Phonics Lesson/Word Study
9:25-9:40 Interactive Read Aloud
9:40-9:45 Reading Mini Lesson
9:45-10:30 Independent Practice/Small Group
SWITCH Block 2
10:30-11:15 LAMP
11:15-11:20 Reading Mini Lesson
11:20--11:50 Recess
11:50-12:20 Lunch
12:20-12:30 ELAR
12:20-12:30 Phonics/Guided Writing
12:30-1:15 Viking Time
1:15-3:00 Independent Practice/Small Group
3:00-3:25 Social Studies (25 min)

Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Business Admin. EC-6 Teacher certification, ESL.
Mrs. Caudelia Gates
Hello, my name is Caudelia Gates, I will be teaching Reading/ELAR/SS. I am very excited about teaching at Dulles El. I have been teaching for 13 years. I grew up in Fort Bend and also went to middle school and high school at FBISD. My goal is for your scholars to become life-long readers. It is very important that your students grow and achieve lifetime goals. I believe in teacher-parent communication. I will be looking forward to working with you all to help your scholars have a successful year.
Students should read every night for 20 minutes. We will post a weekly homework chart. Please make sure you sign on to Class DOJO for all announcements and special events, when you receive an invite from me.