Teacher Information

Phone: (281)634-4032


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education Masters of Library Science ESL Certification

Ms. Deloren Arnic

Hello! My name is Deloren Arnic, and I am excited about another year as the librarian at Arizona Fleming Elementary School! I am a graduate of Sam Houston State University and have taught students in both elementary and middle school.  Reading is my passion and I look forward to sharing my love for books with all students. My goal is to connect readers to a variety of great genres of literature and inspire students to have a passion for books. I look forward to a wonderful school year together!


Teacher Schedule

  • Outclass Rotation Schedule
    PLC- 7:50 am -9:00am
    Pre-K - 9:05am - 9:50am
    Fifth Grade- 9:55am - 10:40am
    Second Grade - 10:45am - 11:30am
    Conference - 11:35am - 12:20pm
    Lunch  - 12:20 pm - 12:50 pm
    Third Grade- 12:55 pm- 1:40pm
    First Grade - 1:40pm- 2:25 pm
    Fourth Grade 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials as needed.