Teacher Information

Phone: (281)327-3771


Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Library Sciences Master of Education Bachelor of Human Sciences Certifications: School Librarian EC-12 EC-4 Generalist EC-4

Mrs. Madeline O'Brien

Mrs. O'Brien has been teaching in elementary schools since 2003.  She has a degree in Human Development and a Master's Degree in Elementary Education from Texas Tech University and a Master's Degree in Library Science from the University of North Texas.  Mrs. O'Brien is thrilled to be Neill's first librarian because connecting readers to great books and inspiring students to get excited about trying new things are her two favorite parts about being a teacher.  

Teacher Schedule

  • 9:00-9:45 4th Grade
    9:45-10:30 2nd Grade
    10:35-11:20 Planning
    11:20-11:50 Lunch
    12:05-12:50 Kindergarten
    1:05-1:50 1st Grade
    1:55-2:40 3rd Grade
    2:40- 3:25 5th Grade


  • Tutorials provided as needed.