Degrees and Certifications:
Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-5216
Degrees and Certifications:
ESL Elementary P.E. 1-8 Generalist 1-8 B.S. Multiple Disciplinary Studies
Mrs. Suzan Hawkins
I am a native West Texan and a graduate of Texas Tech University. My husband and I have been happily married for 39 years. We have two beautiful daughters and four awesome grandchildren. I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, outdoor activities and riding my motorcycle.
I have been blessed with the opportunity of teaching students in grades 2nd through 6th for the last 21 years. While I enjoyed teaching math and science, I love teaching P.E.. I enjoy the fast pace and watching the excitement in my student’s faces as they learn a new skill or realize that they can accomplish a new task. My goal as a P.E. teacher is to educate my students about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle through staying active and making healthy food choices. I introduce a large variety of activities, games and lead-up sports so that students may find something that they personally enjoy and thus will be more likely to continue with throughout their life. I find great joy in helping the youth of today become healthy, productive citizens of tomorrow.
Teacher Schedule
PLC - 7:50am - 9:00amPre-K & Kindergarten - 9:05am - 9:50amFifth Grade - 9:55am - 10:40amSecond Grade - 10:45am - 11:30amConference - 11:35am - 12:20amLunch - 12:20am - 12:50pmThird Grade - 12:55pm - 1:40pmFirst Grade 1:40pm - 2:25pmFourth Grade - 2:30pm - 3:15pmDismissal Duty - 3:15pm - 3:50pm
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tutorials available as needed.
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