Phone: (281) 634-8020


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts EC-6 Generalist EC-12 Art EC-12 ESL Supplemental

Mrs. Suzy Rogers

Welcome to the adventures and discoveries of Kindergarten! My name is Suzy Rogers. I graduated from Houston Christian University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Arts and Psychology. This is my 12th year teaching at Jordan Elementary. I taught Pre-K through 8th grade in the home school community for 10 years prior to coming to Jordan Elementary. I enjoy teaching children, reading the Bible, creating art, hiking in the mountains, camping, gardening, and singing. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends when I am not in the classroom. I look forward to a year full of fun, excitement and making new discoveries as we learn and grow together in our Kindergarten classroom!

  • Kindergarten Schedule       

      8:00 -  8:15     Announcements                                
      8:15 -10:10     Reading/Writing
    10:10 -10:40     Lunch
    10:40 -11:25     Wolverine
    11:25 -12:10     Science
    12:10 -12:55    Outclass
    12:55 - 1:25     Recess
      1:25 - 3:00     Math
      3:00-  3:25     Social
                3:25     Dismissal 
  • Outclass Schedule   
    Monday: P.E
    Tuesday: Library
    Wednesday: Music
    Thursday: Art
    Friday: P.E.
    Conference Schedule
    12:15p.m.- 12:45p.m. Monday, Thursday, Friday