Phone: 281-634-3850
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Rebecca Anderson
I graduated from Texas State University in 2005. I taught in San Antonio, Texas at Encino Park Elementary for 3 years before relocating to Houston with my family in 2009. I began teaching at Holley Elementary in 2009. I have taught Kindergarten my entire career and love it! My husband and I were highschool sweethearts and have 4 precious children together; 3 girls and one boy. We love spending time together going to church, taking road trips, going to the park and watching movies. Teaching, motivating and inspiring children to discover their fullest potential has always been a passion of mine. I love coming to work everyday and watching my students learn and blossom. Each child that I have ever worked with is so special to me and I am honored to teach them.
Teacher Schedule
Kinder Schedule
8:00-8:15: Morning Procedures/Routines/Announcements/Do-Now
8:15-9:00: Math: Calendar, Number Sense
9:00-9:45 Reader’s Workshop: Interactive Read Aloud/Shared Reading/Phonics, Literacy Work Stations, and Guided Reading
9:45-10:15: Writer’s Workshop: Class Message, Word Study, Writing Lesson and Independent Writing.
10:15-10:45: Lunch
10:45-10:55 Writer's Workshop Continued…
10:55-11:30: Math: Lesson, independent practice
11:35-12:20 OUTCLASS (Music, Art, PE, STEM)
12:20-12:50: Math: Stations/Small Groups
12:50-1:00 Snack~ please send a healthy snack DAILY (Backpacks, pass back Daily Folders, homework journals, pack-up)
1:00-1:30 Recess
1:30-1:55 Science
1:55-2:40 Intervention—Student Choice, Tier 2 instruction in small groups
2:40-3:00: Science
3:15-3:25: Social Studies
3:25: Dismissal