Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-0159


Degrees and Certifications:

M.S. in Mathematics B.S. in Mathematics A.A. in General Studies Standard Certification Mathematics (8-12)

Mr. Christopher Burley

I have been teaching high school mathematics for more than 20 years. The subject of mathematics has always intrigued me, so I hope that I can pass on that passion for math to my students.

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st: Algebra 1_10:07–10:52am 

    2nd: Algebra 1_10:54–11:39am 

    3rd: Algebraic Reasoning_11:41–12:11pm (split for lunch)

    3rd: Algebraic  Reasoning_12:45–1:15pm (split for lunch)

    B-Lunch_12:13 –12:43pm

    4th: Algebra_1:17– 2:02pm

    5th: Conference Period

    6th: Algebraic Reasoning_2:51 – 3:36pm

    7th: Algebra 1_3:38 – 4:23pm

    Afternoon Announcements and Staggered Dismissal:4:25 – 4:30pm




Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Coming Soon