Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-3357


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Architecture Master of Education (Curriculum and Instruction) Certified in Math 4-8 ESL Certified

Mr. Harold Johnson

I have been working with at-risk students at M R Wood Center for Learning for over 10 years.  I have a wealth of experience teaching students in small settings; my strength is making math look easy so that my students understand the concept they are working on. I enjoy the challenge of working with my students and positively impacting their lives.

Teacher Schedule

  • Advisory: 9:15 AM - 10:05 AM
    Period 1: 8th Grade Math 
    Period 2: 6th Grade Math
    Period 3: 8th Grade Math
    Period 4: 7th Grade Math
    Period 5: Planning/Conference Period
    Period 6: 7th Grade Math
    Period 7: 6th Grade Math

Planning Period

  • My Conference Period:
    Monday - Friday
    2:04 pm - 2:49 pm
    Planning Period