Phone: 281-329-2074


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Biological and Physical Sciences Master's in Clinical Health Science Certificate: Physical Science Conference: 2nd period, 10:54-11:39am

Ms. Rochelle Wilson

I am the teacher of Physics at MR Wood this year, and am privileged to be of service to all of you. I have been teaching since 1996 and am a believer in young adults and the power and promise they hold. 


Teacher Schedule

  • Advisory-8:40

    1st-Period-Physics/Earth Space Science; Edgenuity Lab

    2nd- Conference

    3rd-Physics/Forensic Science

    4th-Physics/Forensic Science

    5th-Physics/Earth Space Science

    6th- Physics/A&P

    7th-Physics/Earth Space Science/A&P

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • An appointment will be scheduled upon request.