Honor Choir

  • Honor Choir is for a chosen few of FBISD Fifth Grade students Only.

    There is an audition process.  Each elementary auditions their fifth graders and then selects two students to participate. They will have a set number of rehearsals with a group of other students that were also selected at rehearsals that are annouced after selection.The students join all other selected honor choir students in a concert at the end January for the district; additionally, the Fort Bend ISD Honor Choir will be performing at the Texas Music Educators' Convention in San Antonio in February. 
    Once selected, students meet with students from across the district to prepare for the concert in January and for the trip to San Antonio in February.  I look forward to hearing you sing the week of September 5th, 2022.

Department Announcements

  • Rehearsals every Monday unless otherwise changed. All dates are on the calendar.

    I use remind to notify/remind parents of rehearsals and other events.

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