• Crawford High School 

    English as a Second Language (ESL) Program  

    Laura Heuchert 





    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be working with you this year as you strive to acquire the English language. In addition, I look forward to collaborating with students and parents to ensure a successful school year.  


    Goals and Expectations: 

    • To facilitate the English development and mastery of our district’s ESL learners through direct instruction, collaboration with content teachers, and communication with parents. 

    • To help students develop literary and analytical skills, which will enable them to be successful in future courses. 



     Daily lessons will develop students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills:  


    Listening: Students will listen to English from native speakers via their teacher and various media, including the online learning platform Lexia PowerUp. They will also listen to English spoken by their peers.  


    Speaking: Students will have daily opportunities to practice speaking in structured conversation with their peers There will also be several projects, which require the students to present information to the class using newly acquired English skills. 


    Reading: Students will read a variety of modified texts, including stories, poetry, and expository writing, with guidance and support from their teacher and peers. Students will learn various strategies to help them comprehend and analyze a text. 


    Readings include Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, and various reading selections. 


    Students will also use the Saddleback Welcome Newcomers collections, and Lexia PowerUp to develop language skills. 


    Writing:  Students will write daily, practicing the grammar structures and the new vocabulary. They will write on a variety of topics. 


    Technology: Students will use various media resources in their classes to support and enhance their learning experience. 


    Classroom rules:  

    • Show respect for the teacher, your classmates, and yourself. 

    • Be on time (inside the classroom and in your assigned seat) when the bell rings. 

    • Be prepared for class every day, with the appropriate materials. 

    • No food or drinks are permitted in the classroom. 

    • Follow the school’s cell phone policy.  


    Materials: Every student is expected to have the following in class every day. 

    • Notebook paper 

    • Pen (blue or black ink only) or pencil 

    • 1” 3-ring binder  

    • Composition notebook 

    • District-issued laptop computer 


    Grading Policy:   

    • Students have 5 days to turn in work10 points will be lost for every day the assignment is late, up to 50 points.   

    • If a student fails a test or quiz, the student will have an opportunity to re-take the test for a grade up to a 75.   

    • Students will be graded on a 100% scale, with 50% minor grades and 50% major grades.  Any students earning a grade below a 70 will not earn course credit. 


    • A = 90-100 

    • B = 80-89  

    • C = 70-79  

    • F = 0-69  


    Students will take the End of Course (EOC) STAAR English II.