Phone: 281-327-6730


Degrees and Certifications:

Coach Tejeda

Hello, Chargers! My name is Coach Tejeda, and I teach Algebraic Reasoning here at Almeta Crawford High School. I am the head baseball coach and assistant football coach. I graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio (GO RUNNERS) with a degree in Kinesiology. I started teaching in 2015, with tenures at Shadow Creek, San Antonio Taft, San Antonio Brennan, Schertz Clemens, and now CRAWFORD HIGH SCHOOL! I am looking forward to having a fantastic year!

  • Period 1: Algebraic Reasoning A149

    Period 2: Algebraic Reasoning A149

    Period 3: Conference

    Period 4: Algebraic Reasoning A149

    Period 5: Baseball Athletics

    Period 6: Algebraic Reasoning A149

    Period 7: Algebraic Reasoning A149

  • Tutoring: By appointment only