Lewis, Donielle
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Teacher Information
Phone: (281) 634-9903
Degrees and Certifications:
M.A. in Journalism B.A. in Public Relations and Advertising
Ms. Donielle Lewis
My Instagram- D. LewisThis is my 21st year teaching Journalism in Houston schools. I have a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in Journalism from the University of Houston. I am a product of FBISD. I attended Ridgemont Elementary, Missouri City Middle School and graduated from Willowridge High School. This is my ninth year teaching at Marshall High School. I am currently the Yearbook Advisor, Newspaper Advisor, Broadcast, Photo Journalism and Journalism teacher as well as the Senior Class Sponsor.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Broadcast I and IIPeriod 2: Journalism IPeriod 3: Photo Journalism IPeriod 4: Photo Journalism IPeriod 5: ConferencePeriod 6: Photo Journalism IPeriod 7: Yearbook I
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.Friday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.